About the Booster Club
Over the years, the Athletic Boosters Club has evolved into a significant support system for athletic programs at Algonquin. The Boosters Club provides both physical and monetary support for these activities.
The Boosters Club is comprised of parent representatives from each sport and is governed by an Executive Board. Presently, there is representation from over 28 different sports teams. A significant amount of the Club’s proceeds are from sponsorships and memberships. Boosters’ membership is open to any person or organization that would like to support the purpose of the Club and enhance the athletic programs at Algonquin.
Over the years Boosters has funded many enhancements for the athletic programs such as new or upgraded scoreboards, new weight training equipment, state of the art goal posts for the football/soccer field, sound systems on the football field and in the gym, just to name a few!
Boosters also fund the following:
- Yearly scholarships to four graduating seniors
- Support for Freshman Orientation
- Special workshops for families of athletes
- Additional training and education for our Athletic Trainer
- Financial assistance for families in need who cannot pay for athletic fees
- Snack Shack and concessions at home games
These have been made possible by membership dues, concessions sales, and our other fundraising efforts. To continue these efforts, we need your support. For further information please feel free to contact Boosters President, Tom Spataro at spatarot@verizon.net
Please join us, and the numerous other member families, in support of our Algonquin students and their endeavors and help make their high school years rich and fulfilling.
All donations to the Algonquin Athletic Boosters Club are tax exempt.